Sunday 7 December 2014

An Appraisal of the Roles of the Warriors’ Guild in Addressing Pre-colonial Security Challenges in Okaland South-West Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Roles of the Warriors’ Guild in Addressing Pre-colonial Security Challenges in Okaland South-West Nigeria

Ogunode Sunday Abraham
Adekunle Ajasin University, Nigeria

Security within the context of this paper can loosely be viewed as safety from any form of attack or harm. It is a term that has different dimensions and meanings in public safety, defense and military matters. It is the state or feeling of being safe and protected. Security can equally be seen as having a sense of protection against loss, attack or harm, or protection against attack from without or subversion from within. Security is one of the indispensable issues that had always taken priority position in any human society since ages. Leaders and the led alike are always concerned with how to ensure their safety in all ramifications and this has constantly spurred them to fathom measures of ensuring their continued safety. In pre-colonial Nigeria, ingenious means were employed to address security challenges by the people and their leaders. In specific terms, this article is tailored towards an appraisal of the roles of the warriors’ guild in addressing pre-colonial security challenges in Okaland. The article argues that the security challenges faced by the people of Okaland in the pre-colonial times were promptly tackled through collective efforts and of course through the good leadership provided by the traditional rulers coupled with the patriotic zeal and bravery showed by the native security group. While the article acknowledges the fact that no society can exist without having to face some sort of security challenges, the author is of the view that these security challenges are surmountable. 

Keywords: appraisal, roles, warriors' guild, pre-colonial, security and challenges

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