Sunday 7 December 2014

C’est le soleil qui m’a brulée de Calyxthe Beyala: un titre à la recherche d’un récit

Ndongo Kamdem Alphonse
University of Uyo, Nigeria


The reading of a text starts undoubtedly with its title: this meta-text offers the first thread which the reader follows in the course of reading. It goes without saying, that there always exists a correlation between a title and the text that follows it. This article goes from a hermeneutics of the epigraph that announces the text, to the analysis of the text itself, with the conclusion that the title of Beyala’s text (C’est le soleil qui m’a brulee) does not just justify the text that follows: between the text and its title, there is anacolutha.

Key words: Title, correlation, epigraph, meta-text, anacolutha.

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