Wednesday 16 September 2015

Connectivity between Diplomacy, Foreign Policy and Global Politics

Stella Wasike
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya

Susan N. Kimokoti
Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Kenya

Violet Wekesa
Eldoret University, Kenya


Studies in international relations offer a mix of subjects tackling global politics, diplomacy and foreign policy. Diplomacy and foreign policy are central features of global politics. They capture our imagination and their conduct affects our lives through their impact on war, peace, the global economy, human rights, international law, global institutions and the norms that govern relationships between states. Foreign policy and diplomacy provide an opportunity to examine and critically evaluate issues of contemporary global politics with a particular emphasis on the political, economic and decisional dynamics underpinning foreign policy and diplomacy.  Diplomacy is the medium for the achievement of the specific foreign policy objectives of nation-states. Diplomacy is the central technique of foreign policy because other techniques of foreign policy revolve around it. The use of tactics plays a major role in this regard so as not to jeopardize the interests of these states and maintaining diplomatic relations in order for nations to achieve their foreign policies. In international relations, one cannot talk of one concept without mentioning the other two concepts. The paper thus interrogates how these three concepts are interrelated in the field of international relations.  

Keywords: Connectivity, Foreign Policy, Diplomacy, Global, Global politics, International Relations

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