Wednesday 16 September 2015

Philanthropy Language Construction

Iqbal Nurul Azhar
University of Trunojoyo, Madura, Indonesia


This paper proposes a theory the-so-called philanthropy language theory through linguistic perspective. Philanthropy language is defined in simple way as "a language style that expresses love and care to others." There are two maxims of philanthropy languages namely, maxim of proposition and maxim of affection. An expression contains proposition maxim when its proposition point at six situations, namely:  the proposition shows the feelings of love and affection, the proposition puts the subject matter as a shared property,  the proposition puts the expression makers/writer and the listeners/readers in a brotherhood situation, the proposition does not attack the others’ face, the proposition introduces reformations yet the form of expression does not violate maxim 1, 2, 3, and 4, and the proposition contributes something to others even though it is only in the form of an expectation. An expression contains affection maxim when it carries three characteristics that give a feeling of comfort since it affects others to: (1) agree with the proposition to act or react positive, (2) follow proposition not to act or react negative, and (3) not do anything to avoid negative attitude. Philanthropy language utilizes some peculiar lexical markers such as: love, compassion, peace, prosperity, comfort, unity, truth, equality, friendship, happiness, unity, we, us, all of us, you and I, and many others of language philanthropist. Philanthropy language also has a unique syntactic rule that is “it is better to immediately disobey syntactic rules rather than to say something cruel to others".

Keywords: philanthropy language, maxims, construction

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