Wednesday 16 September 2015

De la violence à la névrose: Parcours de la Tunisie révolutionnaire ou l’état de lieu d’un peuple désillusionné

Dorra Barhoumi
Université de Kairouan, Tunisie

Tunisia is the people. Indeed, wasn’t the expression “the people want” the revolution slogan in January 14, 2011? This revolution that was extremely desired and aspired by a people that was outraged by social injustice and persecuted by the hegemony of one dominant political party. This revolution took place because of inefficiency and defective communication of the political discourse and its collapse as well.  Then, we can say that Tunisia was the victim of its own disillusion.
The verbal violence found in the political discourse of mainly all the political parties has created other forms of violence that were really destructive:  the assassination of political figures and terrorism. Since then, the country has undergone a great division and the violence of some ones terrifies and threatens the security and serenity of the others. As a result, this violence and terrorism gave birth to the “world weariness” (the pain of being) and after the “neurosis” (la névrose) on this pacific Tunisian people.
Keywords : Tunisia, revolution, communication, violence, neurosis

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