Sunday 7 June 2015

Quand : Valeurs Et Accessibilité Référentielles

Quand : Valeurs Et Accessibilité Référentielles


Abdallah Terwait

                          Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris 4, France


The objective of this article is to analyze and verify the following structure: Quand (When) P,Q , the sequence Quand P could introduce a referent. From this perspective, it is important to note the several studies focused on the possible equivalence between the subordinate clauses introduced by Quand and the adverbs having a temporal reference in order to put the stress on the distinctive feature of Quand in referential expressions. This particular nature emanates essentially from the capacity of  Quand to introduce a referent that serves as a temporal anchorage point in the interpretation of Quand. In view of the above, we will be led to discuss the nature of the referent introduced by the above cited conjunction in order to summarize the referential specificities of Quand when it is placed in a front position. The first part of this work, there will be a lot of food for thought concerning the different ideas related to the referential characteristics of Quand.

Keywords: Quand, adverbs, temporal reference, anchorage.

Functional approach to language learning

Functional approach to language learning

Abdelfattah Mazari
University Mohammed Premier, Oujda, Morocco

Naoual Derraz
University Mohammed Premier, Oujda, Morocco


The field of error analysis (EA) has expanded to include not only the nature and development of L2 linguistic systems (phonology, morphology, syntax), but also the dynamics of interactional and communicative performance of L2. Focus was put on the functional, social and pragmatic fields of the second language use and on the effect of the communicative behaviors of native speakers on the statement of non-native speakers to determine its acceptability and convenience.

The aim of this paper is to explore the effective use of communicative and functional approach to English language teaching and learning. It is a discussion of theoretical perspectives of exploring issues and concerns to use communicative and functional approach in English as a foreign language (EFL) by presenting different points of view of different researchers on Arab learners of EFL.

Keywords: communication, English, foreign, Language, learning, teaching

Three-Year-Old English-Arabic Bilingual: Notes on Syntactic Code-Switching

Three-Year-Old English-Arabic Bilingual: Notes on Syntactic Code-Switching

                                                                                                                          Ahmed Alsharif
King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia


This paper attempts to explain the acquisition of two languages, namely English and Arabic, by a three-year-old child. It focuses on the same syntactic code-switching constructs dealt with earlier by Taweel and Btoosh (2012). In their study, they examined adult subjects. In our study, we will only focus on one child simultaneously acquiring English and Arabic. To collect the data, the child was observed by her parents and videotaped for the period of two weeks. We found several syntactic constructs produced by our informant where she code switched back and forth between Arabic and English. After that, we attempted to analyze the data and give explanation where it is appropriate. The scope of this article is descriptive as to states what might be going on with the child linguistically when she is acquiring English and Arabic at the same time. However, we are only focusing on the syntactic code switching part of it.

Keywords: Bilingualism, Arabic, Saudi Arabia, code switching, syntax, children

A Palestinian Refugee Woman Narrative

A Palestinian Refugee Woman Narrative

Sadek Firwana
Islamic University Gaza, Palestine                                      

Akram Habeeb
            Islamic University Gaza, Palestine


This paper aims to shed light on the extent of Palestinian refugee women's suffering they have gone through since the massive expulsion of the Palestinian people out of their land in 1948. Accordingly, the purpose of the study was to identify the different themes and concerns encoded in the narrative of a Palestinian refugee woman named Zwaida. In order to attain this purpose, the researchers applied content analysis on an authentic narrative account told by this woman. The study attempted to answer two main questions. The first question was concerned with the validity of the account of that refugee woman, and the second question concentrated on the kinds of themes encoded in such an authentic narrative. To answer these questions, the researchers used the methodology based on a single qualitative content analysis and data collection gathered from an unstructured interview. The outcome of the analysis revealed the extent of suffering those refugee women went through after their displacement; in addition, it revealed that a woman like Zwaida had to vacillate between two concerns; the first one national, while the other personal. Finally, the researchers recommended that a further analysis of refugee women’s narrative be conducted in order to reach certain conclusions that help the world better understand the Palestinian ordeal.

Keywords: refugee woman – narrative – content analysis – double consciousness   

Resistance in the Desert: A Postcolonial Reading of the Novel Desert by Le Clézio

Resistance in the Desert: A Postcolonial Reading of the Novel
Desert by Le Clézio

Alani Souleymane
University of Ibadan, Nigeria


Literature about the images of the Maghrebian Arabs was usually investigated in postcolonial criticism as either withholding the cultural assumptions produced by Orientalism or proposing an anti-western critique of the hegemonic West. This paper focused on the subversion of the stereotypes of the colonised Maghrebian Arabs in the novel of a contemporary French writer. The study applied postcolonial literary criticism to explore the experiences of representation and difference in relation to the colonial discourse of Orientalism and Fanon’s principles of violence and resistance with a view to establishing the anti-colonial reactions permeating the novel titled Desert. The nomadic Arabs were portrayed as freedom lovers who had to resist the internationally sponsored French army, presented as powerful, barbaric, repressive and oppressive intruders. Europe was demystified, as a hostile land, full of disillusion, brutality and deception. The heroin Lalla epitomised resistance as evidenced in the condemnation of oppression, forced marriage and exile to Europe. The existence of discursive resistance in the novel and the will to give a voice to the marginalized therefore establishes Desert as a postcolonial work, and more particularly a critique of the West from within.

Keywords: Resistance, Desert Arabs, postcolonial, contemporary French novel, Le Clézio