Sunday 7 June 2015

Functional approach to language learning

Functional approach to language learning

Abdelfattah Mazari
University Mohammed Premier, Oujda, Morocco

Naoual Derraz
University Mohammed Premier, Oujda, Morocco


The field of error analysis (EA) has expanded to include not only the nature and development of L2 linguistic systems (phonology, morphology, syntax), but also the dynamics of interactional and communicative performance of L2. Focus was put on the functional, social and pragmatic fields of the second language use and on the effect of the communicative behaviors of native speakers on the statement of non-native speakers to determine its acceptability and convenience.

The aim of this paper is to explore the effective use of communicative and functional approach to English language teaching and learning. It is a discussion of theoretical perspectives of exploring issues and concerns to use communicative and functional approach in English as a foreign language (EFL) by presenting different points of view of different researchers on Arab learners of EFL.

Keywords: communication, English, foreign, Language, learning, teaching

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