Sunday 7 June 2015

The “Boko Haramisation” of Cameroon: A prolonged Night mare for a Sustaining Assemblage

The “Boko Haramisation” of Cameroon: A prolonged Night mare for a Sustaining Assemblage

Mark Bolak Funteh[1]
University of Maroua, Cameroon

 Ndikum Azieh[2]
Alpha Operation, BIR Cameroon.


Many scholars qualify Cameroon as the savviest place to stay and invest in the sub-region owing to its unperturbed peace, and that since the independence of French Cameroon and its reunification with British Southern Cameroons in 1960 and 1961 respectively, only the petty show-offs of the Nigerian forces in the peninsula of Bakassi unrewardedly tried to change the status-quo. But this assumption has been brought to book by recent events and the accounts of more critical scholars on the Cameroon-tranquility thesis. This paper - written on the basis of secondary and primary data (military intelligence data for that matter), and actor and observer’s account - falls in line with the latter approach. It argues that the Cameroon military might has never been tested by a serious foreign armed challenge until the rise and the internationalization of the Boko Haram. For it was only then that Cameroonians (civil and the military alike, gripped by the insecurity fever) understood what it meant to be dared in an unremitting and deadly manner by a sturdy and impulsive enemy that cost the entire nation-state huge human and material resources. Cameroon (the northern regions for that matter) was classed as one of the “no-go areas” in the world. This protracted nightmare impelled a sustained domestic and foreign effort against this sect with the sole aim of bringing the sad story to a final end.

Keywords:  Security crises, peace, prolonged nightmare, Sustainability, Assemblage, Boko Haram, Cameroon

[1] Ph.D, Senior Lecturer of History, University of Maroua, Cameroon
[2] Ph.D research fellow and Chief of Inteligence, Alpha operation, BIR Cameroon

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