Sunday 7 June 2015

Le Multilinguisme et les Problèmes d’Aménagement Linguistique au Nigeria

Le  Multilinguisme et  les Problèmes d’Aménagement
Linguistique au Nigeria

Ebong,  Offiong  Erete
                                           University of Calabar, Nigeria
                                        Ayeni, Queen Olubukola
                                         University of Calabar, Nigeria  

The coexistence of many different linguistic groups in the same geographical territory is a social reality that poses a great challenge to language planning. Today, increased plurilingual and socio-linguistic dynamisms have forced some regions, through political and linguistic regulations, to manage the relationship between the linguistic groups in a given geographical territory. In fact, language question creates tension in the society. The choice of one or more languages is capable to crystalise antagonisms in the regions. Each region must develop their languages in their territory to avoid linguistic crisis and tension that can lead to social, political, economic instability in the country.  However, there is no ideal language planning but political stakeholders must analyse language from linguistic, social milieu and study their social functions as well as their linguistic needs in the society before developing them.
Keywords: Multilingualism, language planning, language, Region, Society

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