Sunday 7 June 2015

Applying Track three diplomacy to Kenyan Conflicts

Applying Track three diplomacy to Kenyan Conflicts


Stella Wasike
                                              Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology , Kenya

Susan. N. Kimokoti
                                              Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology , Kenya


Since the Cold War, the world has been multifaceted by both intra and interstate conflicts. This in turn has impacted immensely on the security within territories and even beyond their borders since states’ policies have paid relatively little attention to the broader perspective of conflict management. It is increasingly important to sort out new mechanisms and institutions to manage these conflicts and resolve them productively. In the current international arena, the interest in conflict management is rapidly increasing since this is a way to reunite divided communities. Many diplomatic approaches are now being employed. The traditional approach to diplomacy where the state was considered as the sole actor to conflict resolution has been complemented by other forms of diplomacy such as Track two diplomacy which basically involves non-state actors  who have played a key role in making decisions that concern conflict management. In addition Track one and half diplomacy, which involves both state and non state actors has also been vital in managing some conflicts in the world.  This paper presents another type of diplomacy, that is, Track Three diplomacy which has been overlooked by most governments as a conflict management strategy. The paper specifically demonstrates how this Track of diplomacy has been quite instrumental in resolving conflicts in some selected regions in Kenya. The paper further recommends that this diplomatic approach be adopted by most governments as a way of averting, managing or even resolving conflicts.

Keywords: Track Three diplomacy, Diplomacy, Conflicts, conflict management, Security, Grass root

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