Sunday 31 May 2015

Administration of British West African Colonies and the Furtherance of Nigeria-Gold Coast Relations, 1885-1960

Administration of British West African Colonies and the Furtherance of Nigeria-Gold Coast Relations, 1885-1960

Johnson Olaosebikan Aremu
Ekiti State University, Ado- Ekiti, Nigeria


This paper examines the process of codification of peaceful relations between Nigeria and Ghana (then Gold-Coast) as members of British West African colonies. It submits that the long established pre-colonial interpersonal interactions among citizens of both countries were further enhanced and codified by the common colonial institutions of government established by Britain in her West African colonies. It further reiterates that the cordiality of relations was taken to higher levels through cooperation among educated elites of both countries through nationalist agitations for independence in the decolonization period. The paper notes that though all these colonial institutions were not fully sustained in the post-independence period, they however formed a strong basis for peaceful relations among the peoples of both British dependencies between 1885 and 1960 and laid the foundations for Nigeria-Ghana diplomatic relations since independence.  The study employed the eclectic method of inquiry adopting a combination of historical, descriptive and interpretative methods of data collection and analysis. The study relied heavily on secondary data sourced from journal articles, textbooks, archival materials, newspapers and magazines and other relevant materials including theses, dissertations, and government gazettes. Facts and information obtained were however subjected to corroboration and critical analysis to enhance objectivity.

Key words: Gold Coast, Nigeria, British Colonies, Decolonization, Nationalism

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