Sunday 31 May 2015

Ideologies of Postcolonialism: Shifting Trajectories

Ideologies of Postcolonialism: Shifting Trajectories

El Houcine Ouazzani Ibrahimi
Abdelaziz El Amrani
Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fes, Morocco


It is generally acknowledged that post-colonialism is a product of some ideologies and hermeneutic methodologies that have contributed to its formation and development. As a fighting term, a theoretical weapon, and “the need, in nations or groups which have been victims of imperialism, to achieve an identity uncontaminated by Universalist or Eurocentric concepts and images,” postcolonial discourse is torn between its use of mutually incompatible critical categories. This means that post-colonialism is lacking a monolithic foundation. With this in mind, the present paper seeks to highlight the ideologies and trajectories which have shaped the field of postcolonial studies as an academic discipline, which attempts to undermine and transform the dominance of Eurocentrist colonial discourses. The purpose here is not to provide an exhaustive account of the field, but to focus on the main hermeneutic methodologies that have contributed to the constitution of post-colonialism as a discursive discourse.

Keywords: post-colonialism, postmodernism, Marxism, nationalism, post-structuralism, feminism, secularism

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