Sunday 31 May 2015

The Other Side of the Wall: Technology and Borders in Sleep Dealer

The Other Side of the Wall: Technology and Borders in Sleep Dealer

Samantha Kountz
 University of Kent, UK


Technological development is an essential component in preserving a globalised economic system. Job sectors must maintain a human workforce and therefore involve some sort of physical international border crossing. Trade, labor, and immigration between the American and Mexican border has been, and still is, the source of the most controversial border interactions for the last six decades. The U.S. currently lives under the paradox of harboring hostility towards Mexican immigrants, yet accepting their willingness to perform labor within the country that Americans themselves do not want to do. If America can extract non-physical labor from, for example calling centers around the world, how can they do the same with that of the physical, thereby eliminating the need to care for the worker? Alex Rivera’s film sleep dealer envisions a dystopian world where technology is used by various corporations to extract labor without the “hassle” of supporting their laborers, but is revealed to have the positive value of facilitating a virtual experience of the world, despite some peoples’ economic disadvantages.

Keywords: Immigration, Technology, Film, Mexico, Labor, Science-fiction

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